mardi 25 mars 2014

Keep Your Home Safe And Secure

By Dallas Clark

The words "Home Security" often brings to mind names and logos of various companies that make burglar alarms. However, systems like these are not the only important step in protecting your home. Although a reliable alarm system is good start, there are many other precautions you can take to keep your home secure.

A key aspect of keeping burglars out of the home is good windows. Homes with subpar windows are victims of break in far more frequently than homes with quality windows. A decent window is sturdy and durable, and all the locks function properly and are the correct proportions to the rest of the window and sill. Before you go to bed or leave the house, be sure to always make sure the windows are shut and locked properly, even the ones that are seemingly out of reach. A determined thief won't be turned off by heights when he sees an opportunity.

The next point of entry for a burglar would be the doors. The doors to your home should be sturdy enough to not be forced open with any ease, and the locks should be high-quality enough to resist tampering. If you keep a spare key outside your home, be mindful of where you hide. Under the welcome mat is not a recommended hiding place. You may also be at risk if you lose your keys in public. If your address is printed in any way on any part of your key ring, that can put you at very great risk.

Many families, especially ones who aren't home that much, invest in a surveillance network for their home. These systems can record video for later viewing, or sometimes stream it to a computer or phone to keep an eye on your place remotely.

Another effective and proven measure would be to own a good guard dog. If you're a dog person who accepts the responsibility of caring for the animal, a well-trained dog can be an invaluable asset in keeping your home and family safe. In addition to providing warning to danger and defending your family, the mere presence of a dog is often enough to discourage a potential thief from snooping around.

In closing, we'll loop back to alarm setups. While displaying the fact that your home is protected is a good step that makes many thieves keep on walking, an alarm system alone often isn't enough to ensure that your home is defended well. Be sure to employ every method you can to make sure your home and all in it are as safe as can be.

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